Guidance/School Psychology
The School Psychologists at Carlisle Public Schools also provide guidance services for students. They perform many important services for our students, teachers, and parents. In Carlisle, one school psychologist works in the pre-school and kindergarten, one who services grades 1 - 4, one who services grades 5 - 8, and one who works in the district program, RISE..
In order to support students’ academic and social development, the school psychologists serve as coordinators and facilitators of their respective Teacher Assistance Teams (TAT), and are members of special education TEAM's. Additionally, they coordinate and facilitate the administration and reporting of the statewide assessment in grades 3 - 8, and, at the elementary level, the school psychologist is responsible for facilitating kindergarten screening and registration.
School psychologists also provide short-term counseling to students when requested by a teacher or parent around a specific adjustment issue or life trauma. Efforts are made to help students deal with life stressors in a way that is positive and productive for their overall emotional development. They also work with special education students who may require longer and more targeted counseling.
inAs helping professionals, school psychologists provide a support service to the professional staff within the Carlisle Schools. Consultation around specific student or classroom issues, crisis intervention, and collaboration regarding teacher-led discussion groups are daily occurrences for the school psychologists.
In all areas, the school psychologists support the efforts of the school in their interactions with parents. On an as-needed basis, they provide parents with specific education/counseling, individually or in groups, regarding issues which impact their child's functioning in school as well as the community. They provide support and information to parents around an issue that may have occurred, and in general, they try to support families as well as individual students as members of the school community.