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The Buzz February 2025


February 2025


Buzz photo





From the

Superintendent's Desk  


Dear Carlisle Families,

I hope your start to the new year went well.  I am pleased and surprised by the fact that we made it through the month of January without a single snow day.  I want to thank our facilities team for their efforts these last two weeks on snow removal and campus preparation, as well as the town DPW for their efforts both around the town and around the school.  We are fortunate to have dedicated folks who work hard to ensure we have a safe and accessible campus.  We appreciate all their efforts greatly.  And of course the students are thrilled not to have missed any school.

We kicked off February with students from the 7th and 8th grade band and choir auditioning for the Junior District Music Festival on February 1st at Bedford High School for the auditions.  Congratulations to all our musicians.     

This month brings the highly anticipated CPS Multicultural Festival.  The Festival will be held on February 12th, an early release day.  During the school day students will have the opportunity to attend the fair which will include cultural exhibits, a scavenger hunt, and crafts/activities. There will also be an after school potluck lunch for families from 12:30-2:30 PM in the Corey Dining Room with delicious food and activities. For more information or to sign up for a presentation and/or the potluck lunch click here.

The Community Book Club continues to meet and discuss The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. Join the discussion on the impact of smartphones and social media on child and teen mental health.  The next session is planned for Wednesday, February 12th. For more information visit the PTO website click here.  

Mark your calendars for the Annual WBYC Speaker Series to be held on Monday, February 10th at 7:00 PM at CCHS.  Nick and Susie Shaw welcome Lainie and Liz to share inspirational stories and their personal journeys through special education.  For more information and to register click here.  

As a reminder, Wednesday, February 12th is an early release day for faculty and staff professional development and February break starts on Monday, February 17th with school being closed the entire week.  We will welcome students back to school on Monday, February 24th.

Have a fabulous February.


Warm Regards,

Jim O'Shea


School Events and Information


Click here to view and download the 2024-2025 calendar


Click here to view the February 2025 Lunch menu


Please remind your child/children to pack their sneakers for the days they have physical education.  Middle School students have PE ONE day a week. Elementary students have PE two times a week. At this point in the year, many students are forgetting their sneakers routinely and without them they will not be able to participate in class.

Important Information Regarding KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for the 2025-26 School Year

All children who will be 5 years of age as of September 1, 2025 are encouraged to register for kindergarten at the Carlisle Public Schools. Please contact Linda Cavallo-Murphy, Registrar, at or 978-369-6550 and provide the following information: student’s full legal name, date of birth, home address, parent/guardian name(s), phone number(s), and email address(es). If your child is eligible for kindergarten but you are making different plans, please let us know that as well. Thank you!

CPS MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL - February 12th - Early Release Day

The CPS Multicultural Festival is back! This event features an in-school multicultural fair for students and an After-School Potluck for families in the Café with delicious food and activities. During the in-school fair, students will celebrate and learn about different cultures represented in our school community through multicultural exhibits and crafts/activities. For this event to be a success, we need families to share their culture by creating a display or planning an activity for the fair. If you’re interested in sharing your culture or having any questions about participating, please contact Marie-Laure at or use the Google form:  See you there!


Grades 4-8 -- Girls and boys interested in playing intramural floor hockey.  Please sign up in the gym. 

Dates:  February 24, 25, 26, 27 & March 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19

Time:  3:05-4:15 PM

Where: Corey Gym

Cost:  $55.00 check made out to the Town of Carlisle

You need appropriate clothing, a signed permission slip, and a payment.  Permission Slip  See Mrs. Carmel for more details


Please make sure you have back up plans that your child is aware of, should after school activities suddenly be canceled. During cancelations or emergencies, the Main Office phones are usually busy and not available to call home or relay messages. Please go over with your child ahead of time what they should do in case their activity is canceled. 


Carlisle has a robust SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council). The SEPAC is a resource for support, advice, and navigation for families in our district. They can be reached by email at You can also sign up for their email list to be kept in the loop on events and information for families with special needs. 


Carlisle Public Schools, is dedicated to meeting the needs of all students. In accordance with IDEA and Massachusetts Chapter 71B, all public schools must provide special education for children determined to be educationally disabled.  The law requires a school district to identify such children from age 3 to 21 years of age and applies to all children, including those in non-public schools, pre-schools, and hospital settings.  In addition, children of migrant or homeless families are also entitled to public education.  The Carlisle Public Schools is responsible for students from age 3 throughout their 8th grade year.

Parents or service providers with concerns that a child might have an educationally disabling condition are encouraged to contact Student Support Services.  Carlisle Public Schools will provide parent support and arrange for the screening and evaluation of any student who is not able to progress effectively in general education due to a disability.

For more detailed information about the policies, procedures, and services available at Carlisle Public Schools for special education, please contact Lori Bruce, Director of Student Support Services, at  or 978-369–3758.

Are you without a home or do you know a homeless family?


Carlisle Public Schools is committed to ensuring that any student who meets the criteria of a homeless student is protected under the rights set forth by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.  This federal law is designed to ensure that homeless children and youth have the same access as other children to public education, including public preschool programs. To obtain a brochure or the Homeless Education Manual, or if you have any questions about the McKinney-Vento Act, please contact Lori Bruce, Director of Student Support Services, at or 978-369-3758.




  • Date: Sunday, May 18th vs Atlanta @ 1:35pm

  • Location: Right Field Roof Box 35 and 37

  • First Come First Serve!

  • Stay after the final pitch for our KIDS RUN THE BASES!


To purchase tickets click here -


Join our virtual community book group as we read and discuss The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt.  This is a 6 session virtual series.  For more information and to register Click Here

Carlisle SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) will be offering:

  • Online hours on February 7th from 8:30-10:00 AM

  • Drop-in hours at the Gleason Public Library on February 24th, from 11:15 AM-1:00 PM

This is a great opportunity to meet with your SEPAC and answer any possible questions you may have. For example, you could learn about how SEPAC supports families with students with an IEP or 504 plan, the activities we are organizing through established collaborations with Concord SEPAC, Carlisle Recreation Department, and the efforts we have initiated to create productive communication between the families and the school administrators/teachers.

Carlisle SEPAC has an updated flyer to quickly visualize what we do and some of the resources and support that are available to you.

If you would like to stay tuned with SEPAC news, activities, and further communications, please join our SEPAC email list.

 If you need to reach us, please write to

 Looking forward to meeting you!


Carlisle SEPAC

Co-chairs: Jessie Pescatore and Almudena Pacheco-Garcia



WBYC LECTURE - Monday, February 10th, 7:00 PM CCHS

Join Lainie and Liz from LA Based Lila Learning for an inspiring and heartfelt presentation!

In this insightful session, Lainie and Liz will share their personal journeys through "special" education, diving into both the challenges and triumphs they’ve experienced along the way. They’ll also discuss powerful strategies that have helped them navigate their learning differences and offer practical tips for supporting your own children as they chart their own educational paths.

  • Gain valuable insights and actionable strategies!

  • A must-attend event for parents, educators, students, and anyone passionate about creating a more inclusive learning environment.

Monday 2/10 at 7:00 PM at Concord Carlisle High School. Register now on WBYC's  website!





Photo Gallery


Other Items of Interest

Gleason Public Library

ckh logo

For all registrations, please visit For more information about any of these events, email

The Gleason Public Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for President's Day.


WINTER READING CHALLENGE 2025 - Monday, January 6 through Friday, February 28
Join us in the Winter Reading Challenge! This year, the challenge is to read 7 books that fit different challenges. To participate, stop by the library to pick up a copy of your foldable challenge booklet on or after January 6, or print one out at home. Read one book (at your reading level) for the challenge on each page. When you've completed your book, bring it in for a prize!  The 2025 Gleason Public Library Winter Reading Challenge is generously brought to you by the Friends of the Gleason Public Library.


Join us for a special Valentine's Day story time and breakfast for grandparents and grandkids. All seniors and kids (ages 3+) are invited! Please note a special someone doesn't have to be a grandparent/grandchild specifically to join in on the story time fun. We’ll read stories, sing songs, create a fun Valentine's craft, and eat delicious waffles together. Please register on our website to reserve your space. Sponsored by the Carlisle Council on Aging and Human Services, the Gleason Public Library, the National Charity League, and the Friends of the Gleason Public Library.

DRIVE-IN MOVIE NIGHT AT THE GLEASON - Friday, February 21 | 5:00–7:00 PM
Join us for a fun Drive-in Movie Night on Friday, February 21st from 5:00–7:00 PM We'll begin by creating our own cars to use at our drive-in; please bring a cardboard box large enough for your child to sit comfortably in. We'll decorate it and get it ready for the road! Afterward we'll drive in to the Hollis Room and watch a movie together on the large screen. Popcorn and juice boxes will be served. This program is for ages 5 through 10. Please register on our website to reserve your space. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Gleason Public Library


Please register for each story time session individually at

Baby Lapsit - Tuesdays, January 7–February 25 | 10:30–11:00 AM
Baby Lapsit is a 25-minute interactive story time experience for our youngest library users and their caregivers. Join us for stories, songs, rhymes, and bounces that are developmentally appropriate for children from birth to when they start walking. This Lapsit program is just for you and the baby! Enjoy time together with other parents, caregivers and babies to learn, play and develop language, early literacy, and motor skills. Come prepared to sit on the floor one-on-one with your baby in your lap. This program is designed for newborn through pre-walking baby. 

Toddler Story Time - Tuesdays, January 7–February 25 | 11:00 AM
Toddler Story Time is a 30-minute interactive story time experience for our young library users and their caregivers. Join us for stories, songs, movement, and a sensory activity or craft that are developmentally appropriate for children from 15 months to 3 years of age. Enjoy time together with fellow parents, caregivers and little ones to learn, play and develop language, early literacy, and motor skills. 

Winter Preschool Story Time - Fridays, January 10–February 28 | 10:30 AM
Join us from 10:30-11:15 AM for a fun winter story time. This event is chock full of interactive stories, rhymes, fingerplays, songs and a small craft. Our story time program, designed for children ages 3 to 6, promotes reading readiness and early literacy skills. Please bring along an old T-shirt for your child to wear as an art smock.


1st and 2nd Grade Book Club: Legend of the Star Dragon by Tracey West - Tuesday, February 4, 3:45–4:30 PM
This book club is currently full. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact

3rd and 4th Grade Book Club: Capture the Flag by Kate Messner - Thursday, February 13, 4:00–4:45 PM
This book club is currently full. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact


VALENTINE CRAFT PARTY - Friday, February 14 | 3:00 PM
Come on over to the Library and get crafty for Valentine's Day! We'll have a few things for you to do and make, plus snacks. No registration required. For grades 5-8.

EARLY RELEASE DAY MOVIE - Tuesday, February 12 | 1:15 PM
Middle schoolers can join us in the Hollis Room every Early Release Day at 1:15 PM for a movie and snacks! Early Release Day movies are sponsored by the Friends of the Gleason Public Library.

TEEN WEEKEND READING KIT - Friday, February 14 | 10:00 AM
Grab a kit that has everything you need for a book-lover's long weekend. Each kit will include a random YA novel for you to keep (genres and reading/maturity levels will vary), a craft or activity, a snack, a bookmark, and something to sip on. Registration is required to reserve your kit. Pickup will be Friday, February 14 through Tuesday, February 18. These kits are for students in grades 7-12. Sponsored by the Friends of the Gleason Public Library.

MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOK CLUB - Thursday, February 6 | 4:00 PM
Come for a book discussion and activity! Each month we will read a book and meet at the Library to talk about it, then we will do a short activity or craft. This month's book is Alone by Megan E. Freeman. Registration is required; participants only need to register once for the entire school year. For students in grades 5 through 8.


Mark your calendar for the Carlisle Garden Club’s Spring on the Wing seed giveaway and family-friendly gardening and environmental event to take place on March 29 from 3:00- 5:00 PM followed by a community pot luck at 5:30 PM. And while calendars are out, note the Garden Club’s Country Gardens Tour will take place June 13th and 14th from 10:00-4:00 PM. Watch for more details at


The CCHS World Language Department and the CCHS Far East Association Club present the Lunar New Year Celebration on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 2:00-4:00 PM at the CCHS cafeteria. There will be Asian food and desserts, arts and crafts activities, games, performances, and more to celebrate the ‘Year of the Snake’.  Free admission to this event, and all are welcome to attend. Here is the Lunar New Year promotional video and an informational Poster.


IMSCC welcomes pianist Ivan Gusev! Ivan performs regularly as a solo pianist, chamber musician and church organist, and is a passionate and dedicated educator - learn more here. The Winter-Spring session is just starting up and new students are welcome to sign up! In addition to piano lessons, IMSCC offers lessons for all band and orchestra instruments, voice, guitar, bass guitar, and ukulele. Click here to inquire about lessons. Visit the website for more information. Email Debbie Levine with questions at


Sundays: 10:00-11:15 AM on the CCHS Upper Grass Field - 8 week in-house program, First session April 6th (weather pending) 

Players will be grouped by age + ability within the session, to make it a great experience for all

REGISTER HERE: Visit the CCYL homepage ---> Hover over REGISTER (top right) ---> Select GIRLS REGISTRATION (direct link HERE)


CCHS is hosting a basketball clinic, open to girls in grades 1-8 on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Come for a fun basketball clinic and pizza lunch with the CCHS Varsity Coach Dave Cohen, his coaching staff, and varsity players. The cost is $60 per participant - all proceeds directly support the program. No prior basketball experience is necessary — the clinic is designed to be both competitive and fun. Players will be broken up appropriately by age/skill level. Please bring clean sneakers and a water bottle, we’ll provide pizza. Register NOW before spots fill up at:

Next Buzz Issue
The next issue of The Buzz will be published in March 2025.  Please email your submissions to Mary O'Regan at by 9:00 AM on Friday, February 28, 2025.  Please attach information to the email in a Word file. Thank you!

