Bus Routes & Information
2024-2025 Bus Routes
We are pleased to announce that the bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year have been completed and links to the routes are below. The routes include APPROXIMATE pick-up and drop-off times for stops. We ask that you keep a few things in mind when reviewing the bus routes:
- Please allow 10-15 minutes before and/or after the listed stop time and have your child wait accordingly. As you may know, the stop times for the routes vary over the first few weeks of school until we are settled into a routine. Thank you for using these listed times as an approximate range.
- If you have any questions regarding buses, bus routes or bus stops, please contact Mary O’Regan at moregan@carlisle.k12.ma.us or 978-369-4102. Please do not call the main office with bus questions.
Thank you for your cooperation. We wish all of our students a great school year!
24-25 Elementary AM Routes 9.6.24
24-25 Elementary PM Routes 9.6.24
24-25 Middle School AM Routes 9.6.24
24-25 Middle School PM Routes 9.6.24