
Tests and Quizzes

  • Tests and quizzes assess student's knowledge of content and understanding of concepts. Quizzes gauge how well students are acquiring new content, concepts, and vocabulary during the course of a unit. Tests assess students' final acquisition of the key concepts and content knowledge.

    Regarding the term grade, the test average is about 25% of the grade (two terms will have only 1 test, while one term will have two tests).  The quiz average comprises 25% (there are 2-3 quizzes per term).

    Tests will be announced one week in advance, while quizzes will be announced 3-7 days in advance. Study guides will be provided.

    Scores lower than 75 can be raised by completing a retake. The new score cannot be higher than a 75. When a student scores below a 75, it is expected that the student contacts me to schedule a time to do so. Depending on the situation, students may first need to review the material with me first. Typical times for review and retakes are during HW club.